If you are interested in sending flowers for the calling hours or funeral, there are two local florists that we recommend.
Bud and Bloom
355 N US 31
Franklin, In 4631
The deadline for ordering flowers at this florist is Friday at 10 am in order for them to get to the church on time.
Coffmans Florist
1944 Northwood Plaza
Franklin, In 46131
The deadline for ordering flowers to get them to the church on time is Thursday at 4 pm in order for them to get to the church on time.
Also, if you would like to make a donation, instead of flowers or in addition to flowers, to the family to help cover the expenses associated with the funeral and Collins medical bills, you can send that to: Julie and Heath Simon, P.O Box 531, Greenwood, In 46142. Thank you!
If you are unable to contribute with flowers or donations, do not feel like you are obligated. We still want you to come to the services. We also would welcome you to bring any items you would like to give to the family, such as litle angel figurines or other trinkets, or whatever you like. Bottom line: bring whatever you want and do not feel obligated to bring anything at all! We just want you there!
The family would like for anyone who would like to come to the funeral and/or calling hours to feel free to do so. All are welcome!!! Thank you!
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