Collin's first grade teacher at Union has a Relay for Life Team in Honor of Collin Neese!! Thank you Mrs. Stubb!
Please get involved if you are able. Here is the information:
Relay is May 14th and 15th. They currently need more people on the team itself. They have someone to be in their "Miss Relay," a participant for "Frozen T-Shirt," and they will probably host the "Corn Hole." Mrs. Stubb is working on getting someone to be a part of the "BBQ Cook Off." They are also going to have a couple of baskets in the Silent Auction. They will also have baked goods available at the Relay.
Anyone who is interested in being on the team, you may sign up online.
The website is:
If you are not able to be on the team, you may donate online.
Members of the team can hold their own fundraisers. For example, one of the parents and teachers in their room are working on a Stuffed Bear sale now. There are many ways you can raise money at your work, church, etc. There are team meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Cancer Care Center, on the 3rd floor. Join the meetings if you would like! If is a good way to get pumped up for the Relay and get some good ideas for fund raisers.
There will also be a Scavenger Hunt, bands, clowns, food and booths with items for sale at Relay.
Thank you for taking the time to be a part of the Relay for Life Team, Collin's Crew, to help raise money for the education, advocacy, research and service in regard to cancer. Everything that the team does is in Honor of Collin Neese!
For questions, please contact me at or see the website! Thank you!
Thank you Jenn.
You are most welcome! Thank you!!! : )