Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Julie's Friend's Child

As I have told you before, Julie has a strong network of friends at Riley. They are all parents of Riley kids. Usually, there are five or six of them at the hospital at any given time. They are all coming and going depending on when their kids are admitted, etc. I am so grateful for this group of people, they are there when myself and other family/friends cannot be. Julie and I try to let you all know what is going on with them. They call themselves "The Riley Mafia" and "PORK" (Parents of Riley Kids). They are an amazing group of people! 

 Yesterday, one of her dear friends had some trouble with her son. Read on. 

Please pray for Julie's friend and his son. He has cerebral palsy and his heart rate dropped to dangerously low levels Tuesday afternoon and he was unresponsive. They rushed him down to do an emergency CT scan of his head, and they learned that the shunts that are in his head (Julie thinks to drain fluid) were not working properly. So they had to take him into emergency surgery to go into his head to find out what is happening.

 During surgery, the doctors had to replace both shunts and they found a blood clot in one of them. They do not know how the blood clot got there. It is not possible that it traveled to his brain from another part of his body because he has another device placed in his brain and chest to help keep that from happening and help keep him alive. He made it through surgery just fine, and he is currently in the ICU, but not the same ICU as Collin. They are going to do some clotting tests on him to try and figure out where the clot came from. 

Her friend's son had a guardian angel looking after him, because if his heart rate not dropped when it did, the clot would have worked its way into his brain and it would have killed him within a matter of a few hours. He is in critical condition now. 

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Julie spent most of the afternoon Tuesday going between her friend and Collin's rooms. With the surgery that Collin had today and everything, poor Julie had a crazy day! 

Thank you! 

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